
  • Potsize - 1L

    Extremely handsome plant of great distinction with its deeply divided rich purple black leaves and tall waving wand of pink budded white flowers produced as late as Oct. Dark colour becomes more apparent on older plants. Best with moist soil. No need to stake. Immune to slugs


    Actaea Compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Actaea simplex 'Pink Spike' ( Cimicifuga simplex var. simplex 'Pink Spike' ). Autumn Snakeroot. This variety comes with the exquisite black leaves of the Atropurpureum Group with cylindrical flower heads that have a pink tinge owing to the pink colour of the stamens.  The deeply divided rich purple black leaves and tall waving wands of pink budded white flowers produced as late as Oct are very distinguished. Best with moist soil. No need to stake. Immune to slugs. Western China to Korea. 1.2m


    Actaea Compared

  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Not a big blousy primadonna, but nevertheless a useful plant full of its own charms. Useful as it is late flowering with compact heads of small white snowballs which are just full of nectar. The leaves are fresh apple green with stems that will colour up mahogany if the plant is in sun. Tones in well with other plants and a good clean colour for a white scheme. Equally at home in the border of wild garden. 100-150cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    High and Mighty

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'. Pure white saucer flowers with golden centres on strong tall stems make this a gem for early Autumn. Grows in a wide range of soils; flowering best in sun providing it isn't too dry at the root. 150cm. Apt to spread. This must be a first rate variety, it was bred over 150 years ago in 1858 and it is still one of the most popular.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Anemone Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A real beauty with semi-double very large flowers of lovely shape and form. It is almost white suffused with soft rose-pink, becoming stronger flushed and edged on the reverse. Each flower has 12 individual petals which are arranged with great fineness, particularly beautiful when viewed from behind as the rich colouring is most apparent and you can best appreciate the way the petals curve and arch a bit like a waterlily. Tall and robust. Loreley was a Siren who sat on a granite outcrop near the town of St. Goarshausen in the Rhine Valley. From there she would lure passing sailors with her song. So bewitched they would ground their ship and perish 'neath the waters.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Anemone Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Bred at the RHS in Chiswick in 1902, this variety didn't really make a mark until quite recently. A large and dramatic Aster with tall stiff shiny jet black stems topping out at nearly 5 feet high. Dark green leaves are also heavily flushed black by flowering time in late September. If that wasn't reason enough to include it at the back of your border it produces clouds and clouds of quite large mauvey-blue flowers at a time when the rest of the garden is fading.


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A very strong growing, tall (1.5-2m) beauty with strong stiff stems which support huge sprays of gorgeous cool, clean white daisies. Freshly opened flowers have green eyes, which adds to the immaculate effect. Flowering late in the year it is at its best in October where it cheers the Autumn garden both visually and as a rich nectar source for the insects to fill up on before Winter. The flowers even withstand the brief Autumn frosts to give a long lasting display. Rarely offered but bomb proof to grow, even the ubiquitous mildew doesn't touch it. The Blue 'Climax' grows at Great Dixter and is described as the trusted old friend that has performed for decades.


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A striking autumn flowering Aster with branching heads producing a mass of very bright cerise scarlet daisies warm enough to cheer the dullest day in fact when in full bloom the flower colour is strident enough to deliver a firm slap around the chops. It is just the brightest of pinks but it goes so well with the warm tones of Autumn. I'm not sure who Alma Potschke was, but she was clearly well worth remembering ( 'Andenken an' means 'in memory of' similar to the French version 'Souvenir de' ) . Very easy to grow. Height 1.3m (4ft). Like all the novae-angliaes it produces a series of unbranched stems topped with a branching terminal head of flowers. I am very grateful to Heather Farquharson whose research has recently answered my query above. I couldn't better her writing so I hope she doesn't mind me quoting it uncut.  'There is a German nursery near Stuttgart, www.poetschke.de, and the owner who developed the plant called it after his mother.  I only hope he did not call it after her because of memories of her delivering firm slaps around the chops and the resulting rosy cheeks.   Let's hope he had happier memories of her.' Its not uncommon for customer asking for this plant to decide that 5 consonants in a row is just too much and suffer verbal apoplexy somewhere soon after the 'Andenken'. Sometimes, with a glorious British disregard for correctness we settle for 'Posh' or maybe something like 'Potsky'. Having consulted with a German friend I am told the good lady's name should be pronounced more like 'Purr - sh - k' with a soft final 'k'.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Aster 'Lye End Beauty' falls somewhere in-between 'Harrington's Pink' and 'Alma Potschke' in the colour stakes. The narrow petals are a rich, but not strident cerise on their inner surface and a silvery pink on the reverse. With a dark ruff of narrow bracts and rose tinted stems it was certainly well named. Like most novae-angliae types it is relatively tall with long straight stems which may need staking. Grow it well back in the border where it can hide away all summer, revealing its full glory in Autumn as those in front fade and are cut back. A chance seedling which occurred at Lye end in Woking in the 1950's along with several others that are named after the garden. 130-175cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    30cm. The short, twiggy bush is literally smothered with beautiful semi-double lilac-blue daisies, 3cm wide with yellow button eyes. Although technically semi-double, the flowers open flat and appear as well formed singles. Mid September-October
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    MICHAELMAS DAISY. A shorter growing Aster with semi-double dark purple-red flowers on 70cm high plants. The flowers are relatively small but they are produced in great abundance on fine flowering stems that branch and branch repeatedly to produce a dense cerise cloud. Will thrive in sun or part shade. September-October


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    The benefits of this hybrid Michaelmas daisy are a short compact habit combined with an abundance of flowers in a rich lavender-blue that completely cover the plant. Each flower is semi-double with a bright two-toned golden yellow eye. Blends beautifully with the rich tones of Autumn 40cm


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    MICHAELMAS DAISY. What a delightful Aster this is. The flowers are semi-double, but nearly so full as to be approaching double. In colour they are a gorgeous pastel pale-lavender with even paler tips shown off beautifully by the dark foliage. towards the centre of each flower there are a few unruly narrow petals which dance along with the yellow stamens and green eye in a most delightful way. A shorter growing Aster at around 50cm high. Will thrive in sun or part shade. September-October


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Always distinguished by its very upright growth, forming a columnar plant rather than a rounded bush. Flowers are 4.5cm wide a lovely clean white opening rather flat with a pincushion centre that is small, a subtle brick red brightened by the golden yellow stamens that poke out. 90cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    MICHAELMAS DAISY. Carrying the Ballard name is always a great recommendation and this variety doesn't disapoint. Aster 'Patricia Ballard' is a medium growing aster with semi-double flowers that are bright clear pink and beautifully formed. The petals come in multiple rows all beautifully neatly arranged into a very even flat daisy with a bright golden centre. 90cm high plants with broad glossy mid green foliage. Will thrive in sun or part shade. September-October
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    An exceptionally short Michaelmas daisy which makes up for its size by the punch of its clear pink flowers, produced in great abundance in September. The flowers are a good full semi-double in a sugary lavender-pink that darkens towards the bright golden centre. 20cm. Aster 'Rosenwitchel' creates a really dense mound of closely packed foliage reminiscent of a bun forming alpine. Any good soil in full sun
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A very distinctively coloured michaelmas daisy with single medium sized (4cm) purple flowers with a burgundy sheen, becoming even darker on maturity. Golden yellow eyes become tawny with age. Late September onwards. 150cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    The Michaelmas daisies are such a welcome flourish at the end of the year with their glowing profusion of rich tones. This variety is a rich carmine-red semi-double with a bright golden button. The 5cm flowers keep a relatively flat shape with a double row of long narrow petals. 90cm. Aster 'Winston Churchill' has a reputation for having greater mildew resistance than most. Forms a stiffly branching bush with relatively pale foliage. Bred by R.Lindsey of Gayborder Nursery.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A little known Chinese member of the Ranunculaceae which is rarely offered. It has beautiful dark green shining orbicular leaves on long thin, but stiff petioles. The leaves have substantial texture and an overlay of dark peaty-brown staining which varies in intensity with the time of year. At its best it rivals a piece of well patinated bronze. Named calthifolia after the resemblance to the shape and arrangement of leaves in our native Marsh Marigold, but Beesia is a lot classier, indeed my brother's wedding buttonholes were set off with these lovely leaves. The flowers are starry, a little like an enlarged tiarella on stiff stems, creamy white and produced continuously. For moisture retentive, humus rich soil in shade. This plant was introduced to cultivation by Dan Hinckley, a fact for which he is deservedly proud.


    Potsize - 1L

    To me, this Chrysanthemum shows the same qualities as C.'Innocence' in that it is so weatherproof. It puts up with wind, rain and even the first frosts without becoming scruffy. It puts on a show of its single pink blooms from October until as late as December in a good year. About 60cm high and with the usual lovely Chrysanthemum scent. reliable and long-lived.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A particularly strong growing variety that is very late into flower, regularly flowering from October and into December. The 6cm flowers are fairly well double, even when fully open the centre has a yellow glow, but no central disc. The petals are a rich burnt orange with enough of an incurve to show a pale apricot reverse. Very similar in tone to Paul Boissier.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Chrysanthemum 'Cottage Apricot' has single, but full flowers which shade from an apricot edge to a burnt orange centre. As the flower ages, the colour becomes stronger, being far more a coppery red than the apricot of its name. It has a rich heady honey scent.


    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Intensely magenta pink single blooms with a distinctly pale ring surrounding the bright yellow central boss. Reminiscent of a dark red Pyrethrum but flowering in October-November. About 60-70cm tall. Lovely Chrysanthemum scent.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A very old, beautiful and distinctive cultivar. After the first frosts, before the flowers open in September the leaves colour a rich ruby red setting off the silvery pink quilled double flowers beautifully. It's habit is to rather open with a tendency to sprawl. Tie it early if you are a tidy gardener or alternatively let it snake its way through its neighbours to pop out in unexpected places.  Looks really good with the silvers of Artemisia We recently had the pleasure of sending this plant to Annabel Watts at Munstead Wood and she kindly sent us copies of 2 articles written about this Chrysanthemum for the Garden, Sept 29, 1888, by Gertrude Jekyll. I have copied these into the gallery of photographs.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Full petalled single flowers which are white with a flush of pink


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Very welcome in late Oct this tight 2-3ft mound is smothered in 1in pom-poms; shaded light to dark pink. Any soil in sun. Cut to ground in winter. MAY CAUSE SKIN ALLERGY


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Sunshine yellow buttons at the end of the season are the mark of this variety. It flowers early in the Chrysanthemum season and forms a low 60cm bush that is absolutely covered in bright yellow fully double buttons that deepen in colour from the edge to the centre.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Chrysanthemum 'Paul Boissier' has double flowers in a glowing rich copper, beginning with classic Japanese painted regularity, later opening further to reveal a central eye. It is just the perfect embodiment of the subtle beauty of golden Autumn sunshine on freshly fallen beech leaves. Nice honey scent. Will probably require staking


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A really distinctive variety that has a great charm. The petals are quilled with a slightly broader tip. The shafts of each petal are red with the exposed upper surface at the tip a bright yellow.


    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 3.5 inch round

    Cyclamen coum is the other cyclamen commonly grown out of doors in Britain. It is a little fussier than Cyclamen hederifolium but essentially requires quick drainage, good winter light with a little shade in the hottest part of the day come Spring and shelter from cold drying winds. It is very hardy but dislikes freezing or wet winds. Its marbled kidney-shaped leaves appear in September and persist until late Spring when higher temperatures and sunlight force the into a protective dormancy. The flowers are more dumpy and rounded than typical cyclamen flowers and come in a range of colours from white through pink to deep magenta, always with a darker blotch at the mouth of the paler eyes. They liven up the Winter garden, appearing as they do from Christmas onwards, being remarkably cold tolerant. Excellent for naturalising in sunny banks at the foot of trees, even conifers providing the branches don't come too close to the ground. They only require good drainage, some shelter and a little shade in late Spring which can be provided by deciduous shrubs and tress or even herbaceous plants or bulbs. Discount of 25p for 3-9 plants, 30p for 10 or more Our plants have been grown from seed collected around the garden and are therefore various shades and have varied leaf patterns. They are not wild collected


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A really big, bold statement of a plant for the back of large borders. Great clouds of ivory coloured, almost white, soft fluffy flowers sway on grey green stems which are richly clad in handsome whorls of fresh green foliage. A handsome architectural plants which can top 2m and is irresistible to insects. Flowering from July-September. Please don't expect to receive it in flower in Summer !


    High and Mighty

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Helenium 'Indianers0mmer' (Indian Summer) . This is probably the tallest and the latest flowering, but well worth the wait. The flowers are rich coppery red in large heads with a velvety brown bun centre. It flowers profusely from August through September and into October, making a striking show and being an invaluable nectar source for the bees. Easily grown in sun and  any good soil. 120cm plus


    Helenium Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Bee and Butterfly friendly

    Bee and Butterfly friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    This is the first of the Heliopsis to have flowers with no yellow in at all. They open a fiery red, gradually maturing through orange to a russetty bronze with a darker centre. The display starts in July and continues up until the frosts in October. As an added attraction the foliage is a rich purple-black early in the season, becoming very dark green by mid summer. Great for bees. Heliopsis are known as the Smooth Ox Eye in their native America where they are to be found growing in tall-grass prairies, woodland edges and savannas in the East and Centre of the Country. They are adaptable as to soil type, growing naturally in heavy clays and basic soils. They are short lived as perennials, growing to 1-1.2m in height.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Potsize - 1L

    Kaffir Lily. This one just lights up the garden in Autumn with its generous spikes of bright pillar-box red flowers. As the name 'Major' suggests, the flowers are of generous size. Also known as 'Crimson Flag'.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    At times 'Salome' can look like a slightly pinker version of H.coccinea 'Major', but later on the petals can reflex beyond flat and the petals take on a satiny coral red colour, streaked with red and also revealing a pale eye. 6.5cm across. Useful if Major is too strident a red for your taste.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A form of Lily turf with the more unusual attribute of having pink flowers rather than the usual purple. The flowering stems are a rosy pink with flowers that open out a paler sugar pink. 40cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    A good solid variety of Liriope of  dark violet hue. 30cm in flower, 40 in leaf. It is much like the species but in a slightly more compact form. Like all Lily Turf, this is an excellent plant for growing in dry shady places.
  • Potsize - 1L

    Liriope muscari. (Liriope platyphylla, Liriope graminifolia densiflora, Ophiopogon muscari). US nickname, Lily Turf or Big Blue. A shorter form, growing to 35cm with a reputation for flowering very freely with spikes of violet blue. This is a good all rounder for every garden. Useful for ground cover, for edging or as a flowering plant in its own right. Neat, arching shining green rush-like leaves are evergreen and in their prime in Winter. They are happy in sun or shade but flower best in sun. In the US they have earned the name 'Lily Turf' as the arching grass like foliage produces spikes of densely packed violet-blue grape hyacinth-like flowers in late Autumn. Easily grown they are both hardy and drought tolerant, only requiring reasonable drainage to succeed. Named after the Greek nymph Liriope, one of the Naiad.  
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Quite distinct for a Nepeta in that it forms a dense upright bush rather than a lax mound of foliage, standing up well despite the elements. The flowers appear in a dense terminal cluster, quite large and standing proud above the foliage. The flowers are more in the style of Nepeta 'Souvenir d'Andre Chaudron' or a Dracocephalum, long like a Salvia and a strong mauvy-blue. This is a hybrid between N.yunnanensis and N.nervosa, a recent cross made by Janet Egger (Terra Nova Nurseries). 80cm


    Nepeta Compared

    Catmint in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Bee and Butterfly friendly

    Bee and Butterfly friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' is a must for the front of any sunny border where it produces with great reliability a 3-4ft wide mound of soft grey green foliage and a hazy cloud of lavender blue flowers which the bees and butterflies adore. Trim to encourage second flowering. Easy to grow and divide. A useful alternative to lavender for short hedging. This variety is more hardy combined with better damp tolerance than Nepeta faassenii.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Nepeta Compared

    Catmint in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Bee and Butterfly friendly

    Bee and Butterfly friendly



    Potsize - 1L

    Nepeta grandiflora 'Bramdean' is a beautiful strong growing catmint with sprays of soft blue  flowers set off by sea- green foliage. Lovely when grown beneath old roses. Similar in habit to Six Hills Giant, but a little larger and stouter, darker in flower and up to month later. Loved by butterflies. 60cm plus Bramdean is in Alresford in Hampshire, the garden created by the mother of Mrs Victoria Wakefield.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Nepeta Compared

    Catmint in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    This is perhaps the stoutest of all the Nepeta, standing a metre or more tall with broad heads of large purple-blue flowers emerging from dark calyces. It is long in flower and great for bees. It grows best in full sun.


    Nepeta Compared

    Catmint in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Densely packed racemes of intense pink catmint flowers on long, fat bottlebrushes stand upright above nice, pointed creased green leaves. Bees just love it ! June to September. 40 x 30 cm. dense and intense pink
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Nepeta Compared

    Catmint in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    This fairly recent introduction has at least three things to recommend it. To start with the flowers are a much richer shade of mauve than the usually found catmint and this plant has gained a reputation for being even freer in its reblooming also. The growth is a little more compact than normal as well, up to 30cm tall and twice as much wide. An ideal plant for edging along paths or beds.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Nepeta Compared

    Catmint in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Bee and Butterfly friendly

    Bee and Butterfly friendly



    Potsize - 1L

    Nepeta x faassenii (mussinii of gardens, N.racemosa, N.mussinii x N.nepetella) Nepeta x faassenii produces sprays of lavender blue flowers from mid Summer until Autumn over short mounds of grey green foliage. An excellent alternative to lavender as a short hedge, brilliant below roses and good at the front of any border. Catmint deserves its popularity as a cottage garden stalwart. Trim to keep tidy and encourage a second flowering. 50cm. Excellent for the bees. Many plants grown in the trade as Nepeta racemosa are in fact this hybrid.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Nepeta Compared

    Catmint in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    SUNDROPS. Always interesting with pink and red stained young shoots that arch and drip with bright sunshine yellow flowers in summer. Autumn colour is a deep glowing red. Best in full sun. 50cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    A sweet little plant for edging off all sorts of different areas. Neat spreading clumps of narrow grassy leaves that are evergreen. In Summer the flowers appear in short spikes amongst the foliage, pure white followed by occasional berries.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' is one of the last flowers of Summer with rich glowing yellow daisies each enhanced by its black central cone. There is a warmth to the tone of this plant that assorts so well with all the other colours of late Summer Autumn. Reliable cheerful colour for the late season. 1m. Any soil in full sun. Leave the spent flower stems on for a winter decoration and to provide food for the birds - Goldfinches love the seeds.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Rudbeckia Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'. A cultivar bred by Beate Zillmer of Zillmer Pflanzen in Uchte, Germany. Lovely salvia with an upright bushy habit. The flowers are a rich violet blue, carried on narrow spikes and enhanced by the purple black stems and blue green foliage. Best grown in full sun. 90cm. Taller than East Friesland and much darker.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Salvia Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs


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