This is a page devoted entirely to Bergenia so you can see them and their descriptions all together. Click on any image to be linked straight to the item in our online shop.

  • The leaves of this choice species are large- up to 30cm across,well rounded and covered in tiny hairs. It makes a large clump, but considerably less dense than most bergenias. The flowers are pink, held erect and slightly fragrant. Slightly more tender than the more robust species and deserving of a spot with some shelter, especially for the flowers. Foliage will die back somewhat in winter. Leaves colour red in Autumn. Native of Afghanistan and Tibet. Prefers cool moist shade.
  • Bergenia ciliata

    Bergenia ciliata

Bergenia ciliata

Bergenia ciliata

Bergenia ‘Pink Ice’

  • Bergenia ‘Pink Ice’ is an early flowering hybrid between B.ciliata and B.emiensis nice, narrow, glossy green leaves, flushed red beneath and on the serrated margins. Like B.emiensis it has beautifully poised, shapely branched trusses of flowers, bell shaped at first becoming flared and wide separated with age. Also in common with B.emiensis its stems and calyxes are beautifully flushed with a pinky orange. The blooms are subtly shaded palest pink at first – just a suggestion of pink on a pure white, but as they age the central flush gradually grows until it is completely suffused rose-pink. A delightful but little known hybrid that required a sheltered position away from the coldest winds. Bred by Robin White.

  • Bergenia 'Pink Ice'

    Bergenia ‘Pink Ice’

Bergenia 'Pink Ice'

Bergenia ‘Pink Ice’

  • A large leaves species with foliage that is pale apple green, rather longer than wide and lax in habit. The flowering stems are large, tall and well branched, arching and carrying relatively large, slightly spidery, drooping flowers in a soft pink. although originally collected over 50 years ago, this native of the Himalayas has only recently been reintroduced and come to prominence. Prefers shady, humus rich conditions.
Bergenia emeiensis

Bergenia emeiensis

  • Excellent compact growing form making good evergreen ground cover in wide ranging conditions. The leaves are well rounded, but do not colour particularly well, only sometimes turning a pillar box red as the die. The flowers are delightful, being clear pale pink shades in dense spikes with attractive red calyces and red stained stems. leaves 15cm. flws 30cm
Bergenia 'Baby Doll'

Bergenia ‘Baby Doll’

  • Handsome evergreen glossy green leaves are overlaid in Autumn onwards with shades of red and copper and can turn bright scarlet on exposed sun drenched leaves. One of the best for reliable winter leaf colour. The flowers are brightest magenta, produced from early to late spring. 30cm. Clumps are fairly compact in growth with flower spike that are also relatively dense. Will even tolerate dry shade
  • Bergenia 'Overture' ('Eroica')

    Bergenia ‘Overture’ (‘Eroica’)

Bergenia 'Overture' ('Eroica')

Bergenia ‘Overture’ (‘Eroica’)

  • A handsome variety originally bred by Eric Smith at Hadspen House in Somerset and given to Beth Chatto who then named it in his honour. It has large, wavy edged crinkled leaves which take on plum and crimson tones in Winter. Sprays of bright mid-pink flowers top the foliage in Spring.
Bergenia 'Eric Smith'

Bergenia ‘Eric Smith’

  • A relatively new addition to the Bergenia family having been raised in 1982 by H.Klose. It thrives in sun or shade even in quite dry conditions and produces valuable ground cover of handsome bronze tinted leaves. Its real beauty is shown when in flower late in the Spring. Flowering stems are tall and pink carrying flowers in a sugar pink hue.
Bergenia 'Rosi Klose'

Bergenia ‘Rosi Klose’

  • (Evening Glow) A neat compact f with crorminkly edged, rounded leaves which become deep purple in Winter. 25cm. The deep crimson flowers are semi-double in Spring. Raised by Arends
Bergenia 'Abendglut'

Bergenia ‘Abendglut’

  • Bergenia ‘Bach’ has lovely neat and glossy foliage, red flushed and bronze in Winter. From March to May huge, densely packed heads of palest pink flowers are produced which mature white and are dramatically offset by the red calyxes and stems. The flowering heads are particularly full and well rounded. One of Eric smith’s hybrids, raised in 1972 at Hadspen House.

Bergenia ‘Bach’

Bergenia ‘Bach’

  • Raised by Arends in 1950 and translates to ‘Silverlight’. Large, tooth-edged green leaves make a good evergreen foil for the trusses pure white flowers which take on a pink tinge as they age. A good strong vigorous clone.
Bergenia 'Silberlicht'

Bergenia ‘Silberlicht’

  • Praised for its robust stature and the freedom with which it produces both flower and leaf. Slowly spreading to form a good clump of large leaves with fine trusses of pure white flowers from March until May. Raised by Blooms and happy in both sun and part shade.
Bergenia 'Bressingham White'

Bergenia ‘Bressingham White’

  • A neat and compact producing dense clumps of relatively small, rounded apple-green leaves. Generous quantities of white petalled, pink-eyed flowers are produced frem red calyces atop red flushed stems. The flowers gradually age pink.
Bergenia 'Harzkristal'

Bergenia ‘Harzkristal’


They are native of damp rocky woodland and meadows and in cultivation are remarkably easy to grow in either sun or light shade in anything but the most boggy or dry, hot sites.

They are valuable for their bold, glossy leaves that are, in most varieties, evergreen. Frequently they colour spectacularly in Autumn and Winter taking on rich red tones that make them a significant garden feature. In some cultivars and species, notably B. ciliata, B. stracheyi and B. x spathulata, the larger leaves are often lost in colder weather. The lovely twists in the leaves and rich colouring make them excellent candidates for the flower arranger. They make excellent ground cover. They make excellent alternatives to Hosta on drier and windier sites.

The flowers are largely in the white to ruddy pink range, held in dense heads in Spring. B. emiensis and its hybrids have recently brought more open heads of lax flowers into the mix. Flowering is better in plants grown in sites with more light and ample moisture.

Bergenia can be grown very successfully in pots and were once favourite edging plants with Gertrude Jekyll.

Early breeding was undertaken by Mr T.Smith of Newry, using B. cordifolia and . purpurascens. Whilst many of the original cultivars, praised by William Robinson, are now lost, breeding has continued by Arends and Klose and more recently by Eric Smith and Jim Archibald. Bergenias have now been so intensively interbred that few of the modern cultivars are assigned to any particular species.

Named after the German Botanist Karl August von Bergen (1704-60) who made an extensive catalogue of plants from his surrounding area ‘Flora Francofurtana’ Bergenia originate in Eastern Asia.

They were previously known by the name Megasea.
