
  • Potsize - 1L

    SUNDROPS. Always interesting with pink and red stained young shoots that arch and drip with bright sunshine yellow flowers in summer. Autumn colour is a deep glowing red. Best in full sun. 50cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Penstemon 'Garnet' ( P.'Andenken an Friederich Hahn' ) A free flowering shrubby perennial with spikes of tubular deep wine red flowers and fine narrow foliage. A Penstemon of excellent constutution which is also attractive just in leaf. Gives a long and colourful summer display even when not deadheaded. Cut back lightly in Autumn; harder in Spring. Bred to improve the constitution of P.'Southgate Gem' by crossing it with (possibly) P.hirsutus by the Swiss breeder, Hermann Wartmann in 1918. Although not stictly correct,the name 'Garnet' is the name usually applied in English speaking countries and the one under it was introduced in the 1930's


    Penstemon Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Penstemon 'Hidcote Pink' is a free flowering shrubby perennial with spikes of pink tubular flowers with a red-marked cream throat. The flower spikes are narrow and the growth habit upright making a distinctive variety. Flowers are a clean sugary pink with red in the throat. A plant of excellent constitution introduced by Blooms in 1951 and assumed to have been raised at the National Trust's garden at Hidcote. Gives a long and colourful summer display Cut back lightly in Autumn; harder in Spring


    Penstemon Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Penstemon 'Sour Grapes' ('Stapleford Gem') is a larger, taller cultivar with strong upright flowering spikes of  creamy white flowers, painted lilac and pink on the outside. 60cm, flowering throughout Summer. This is a cultivar with a confused history. It is entirely possible that two similar cultivars were named 'Sour Grapes', one raised by Nellie Britten in the late 1930's and the other given to Marjery Fish in the 1950's. Further confusion comes from a similarity and mixed labelling in the trade with P.'Stapleford Gem'. I don't want to make any claims as to which ours is, I would just say that it is a strong grower of dense habit with distinctively dark, slightly hairy leaves which at some times of the year are markedly cross shaped  in the way they grow on the stem. The flowers vary dependant on conditions but are a mix of lilac and blue shades and most lovely. If there is a Penstemon expert out there who would like to help with identification, I'd welcome the input. Cut back lightly in Autumn, harder in Spring


    Penstemon Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    An exceptionally pure white Phlox with large dense heads of flowers (6-9") of good substance. Grows to 3' (1m) and from its initial flowering in July it is capable of repeat flowering until September if dead-headed and well cared for. Superb, heady, rich fragrance. Nice apple-green foliage is resistant to powdery mildew and even spotting providing conditions are good. This variety was discovered in its native America as a chance seedling. For full sun to partial shade in a moist fertile soil with plenty of organic matter. 36-40". Native Phlox paniculata are reserved and nurtured by the Brandywine Conservancy Volunteers at Chadd's Ford, Pennsylvania. In August 1987, the Phlox seedlings were inspected by the coordinator and Richard Simon of Bluemount Nurseries. Together they selected a white fragrant form with clean foliage and it was named 'David' by Mrs FM Mooberry, the project coordinator, for her husband. 'David' may well be a direct descendant of the original Phlox sent to Europe in 1930 by John Bartram. It was 'Perennial of the Year' in America in 2002
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Phlox Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    This a particularly striking cultivar with a broad creamy white edge to the leaves. Despite the lack of chlorophyll it is a fine vigorous clone which will make a strong clump. The flowers are white with a pink central stain. Darwin's Joyce / Choice is synonymous with Norah Leigh, but is a particularly robust. Named for the mother of Mrs Joan Elliott, the Elliots being a well known nursery family. 90-100cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Phlox Compared

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    Potsize - 1L

    Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow'. A real beauty for the Summer and Autumn garden. A mass of small, black-eyed daisies are well spaced out all over a bush 3-4ft tall like a warm glowing sunset. The new flowers are reddish with yellow tips but as they mature the red bleeds until no two flowers are alike. A plant that manages impact without being over dense. July-September. This Rudbeckia can be so floriferous that it frequently flowers itself into an early grave. Hence it can be best to treat it as potentially annual.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Rudbeckia Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'. A cultivar bred by Beate Zillmer of Zillmer Pflanzen in Uchte, Germany. Lovely salvia with an upright bushy habit. The flowers are a rich violet blue, carried on narrow spikes and enhanced by the purple black stems and blue green foliage. Best grown in full sun. 90cm. Taller than East Friesland and much darker.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Salvia Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    A sky blue version of these lovely large flowered, perennial salvias. First flowering starts in june and July, but if dead-headed flowers for a second time in September. 50 cm. Border Ballet series.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Salvia Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Whorled Sage. Similar in habit to 'Purple Rain', this sage has attractive lyre shaped grey-green fuzzy leaves which forma nice mound and decorate the arching flower spikes. These terminate in whorls of grey-green calyces from which peep out pure white nepeta-like blooms over a long period, many weeks if they are regularly dead-headed. 45cm, for full sun, drought tolerant. Easy and undemanding.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Salvia Compared

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  • Bee and Butterfly friendly

    Bee and Butterfly friendly



    Potsize - 1L

    A superb Sedum with smoky beetroot coloured foliage. Spotted by Graham Gough of Marchants Nursery in his parent's garden in East Sussex. Bees adore this plant, spending weeks visiting the mass of rosy pink flowers stary flowers. It has a compact habit, growing 35-50cm tall, flowering in July to September. Lovely as a foliage plant or to observe the insects that are drwn to the flowers - this year we had the pleasure of watching hornets (native) hunting bees over our sedums. They take time selecting a victim and once they pounce they wrestle it until they can bite it behind the head, flying off with the bee held facing forward.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Sedums Compared

    Sedums in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Sulphur Clover. This is a British Native that is becoming sadly rarer as its native habitats are ploughed up for arable crops and its foothold on the road verges declines with indifferent verge managemnet regimes (Do check out Plantlife's campaign to influence better roadside management). It is a native of chalky boulder-clays and more rarely chalk sites. It is a large clover which will spread with short stolons. The heads of flowers are less sulphur-yellow and more creamy and are particularly attractive to bumblebees. likes brightness, but not the full glare of the sun. June to July
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Red Feather. This is possibly the showiest of all the clovers. It is fairly upright in growth with long terminal heads of flowers. The heads are downy and silvery in bud opening from the base upwards with rich ruby-red peas. Likes sunlight but dislikes extremes of temperature. Grow with adequate moisture in a slightly alkaline soil for best results. Non-invasive. Flowers late summer. Like all the clovers, nectar rich and therefore a magnet for the bees.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Good for Bees

    Good for Bees

    Potsize - 1L

    The flowers on this form of European Clover are absolutely brilliant white, contrasting well with the rich dark green of the foliage. Ideal for growing in poor soils, tolerating calcareous soils very well. Will rebloom if cut back after flowering. Excellent nectar source for bees. 60cm. Native to Europe right down to the Mediterranean, growing in dry grassland and at woodland edges.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Purest white, densely packed spikes of flowers each with an exerted style and two yellow tipped anthers. Green in bud. The foliage is greyish green with good creamy yellow margins. All in all a rather elegant and classy plant. June to August. 65cm. Reblooms in Autumn if deadheaded.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Veronicas Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    A neat, bushy, dwarf Veronica with deepest sapphire blue flowers from wonderful limy-green tips. Branching flower spikes to 30cm. Very long season. June to October
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Veronicas Compared

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