
  • Potsize - 1L

    Chrysanthemum 'Cottage Apricot' has single, but full flowers which shade from an apricot edge to a burnt orange centre. As the flower ages, the colour becomes stronger, being far more a coppery red than the apricot of its name. It has a rich heady honey scent.


    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Intensely magenta pink single blooms with a distinctly pale ring surrounding the bright yellow central boss. Reminiscent of a dark red Pyrethrum but flowering in October-November. About 60-70cm tall. Lovely Chrysanthemum scent.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A very old, beautiful and distinctive cultivar. After the first frosts, before the flowers open in September the leaves colour a rich ruby red setting off the silvery pink quilled double flowers beautifully. It's habit is to rather open with a tendency to sprawl. Tie it early if you are a tidy gardener or alternatively let it snake its way through its neighbours to pop out in unexpected places.  Looks really good with the silvers of Artemisia We recently had the pleasure of sending this plant to Annabel Watts at Munstead Wood and she kindly sent us copies of 2 articles written about this Chrysanthemum for the Garden, Sept 29, 1888, by Gertrude Jekyll. I have copied these into the gallery of photographs.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Full petalled single flowers which are white with a flush of pink


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Very welcome in late Oct this tight 2-3ft mound is smothered in 1in pom-poms; shaded light to dark pink. Any soil in sun. Cut to ground in winter. MAY CAUSE SKIN ALLERGY


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Sunshine yellow buttons at the end of the season are the mark of this variety. It flowers early in the Chrysanthemum season and forms a low 60cm bush that is absolutely covered in bright yellow fully double buttons that deepen in colour from the edge to the centre.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Chrysanthemum 'Paul Boissier' has double flowers in a glowing rich copper, beginning with classic Japanese painted regularity, later opening further to reveal a central eye. It is just the perfect embodiment of the subtle beauty of golden Autumn sunshine on freshly fallen beech leaves. Nice honey scent. Will probably require staking


    Botanical Style Photographs

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    A really distinctive variety that has a great charm. The petals are quilled with a slightly broader tip. The shafts of each petal are red with the exposed upper surface at the tip a bright yellow.


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Queen Anne Thistle. This is a native thistle from Europe, being found right across into Russia. It's no shrinking violet, but unlike some of the other members of the Cirsium genus it tends to stay put in one place and not become 'weedy'. It grows a generous basal rosette of largely non-spring leaves and throws up tall branching flower spikes up to 2m plus topped with generous thistle-knobs at the top. If you have the space its a great statement plant and great too for the wildlife, providing nectar for insects, seeds for the finches and a food plant for Painted Ladies. For a moist soil.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Melancholy Thistle. Broader leaves, a more spreading habit and larger flowers than its cousin Cirsium rivulare. Later in the year to flower as well. The reason for the name heterophyllum comes from the variability of the leaf form, which becomes more divided on the flowering stalks than the basal rosettes. In shade this plant will grow well but flower poorly. Give it plenty of moisture and sun to see it at its best. The plant was considered a possible cure for sadness. Nicholas Culpepper in 1669 said that it "makes a man as merry as a cricket"
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Prolifically produced lemon-yellow daisies on a neat bushy plant 20" (50cm) high. It is tolerant of Summer heat and makes a reliable long-lived plant which is reasonably drought tolerant. It has a long flowering season which can be extended still further by trimming back the tips of the branches, thereby removing the first seeds. It will reward you with a second flush of growth and flowers. It is these seeds that give Coreopsis its common name as they are said to resemble ticks (koris=bug, opsis=like). Easy and much more tolerant of British Winters than the red selections, which need excellent drainage. 12-18" (30-45cm), loved by bees. July-September, full sun.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Tickseed. Coreopsis 'Zagreb' is guaranteed to bring its own sunshine to your jaded late Summer border with its myriad of golden-yellow daisies which stud the compact dome from July to September. C.'Zagreb' is a dwarf selection of C. verticillata and shares its dainty habit with wiry stems clothed in glossy needle-like leaves. It is tolerant of Summer heat and makes a reliable long-lived plant which is reasonably drought tolerant. It has a long flowering season which can be extended still further by trimming back the tips of the branches, thereby removing the first seeds. It will reward you with a second flush of growth and flowers. It is these seeds that give Coreopsis its common name as they are said to resemble ticks (koris=bug, opsis=like). Easy and much more tolerant of British Winters than the red selections, which need excellent drainage. 12-18" (30-45cm), loved by bees. July-September, full sun.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Crocosmia 'Emberglow'. 1970. Crocosmia potsii x Crocosmia paniculata. 90cm This is a tall and imposing crocosmia with strong upright form and flower stems that branch and arch over at the top with rows of red trumpets arrayed each side. Flowers are produced in the form of C.potsii in a dark true red, one of the darkest. Sets seed readily – the seed heads making a lovely winter decoration.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Aptly named, this has to be one of the best new red Crocosmias. Intensely vermillion red, the wide petalled big flowers have no hint of orange, while the throat burns even darker. The narrow pleated leaves are upright rather than floppy and are not as tall as the old Lucifer, nor as inclined to spread. Flowering at 90-120cm in July and August and into September these blooms prefer a not-too-dry position and are very effective in 'hot' schemes.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared



    Potsize - 1L

    A real beauty with good densely packed spikes of large flowers in deep, mellow golden yellow with a velvety texture. The buds are closely packed in curved reminiscent of a large golden freesia. Clumps of long sword-like foliage are rich green and vigorous. A floriferous variety which grows around a metre tall. Best grown in average to moist conditions, avoiding dry soils. Bred by Ken Ridgely in South Africa. August-September.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Buttercup'. A lovely compact Montbretia with good sized warm apricot-yellow flowers, 35mm across, which open flat. They are borne on shorter stems to 60cm. A rich shot of colour for the late summer garden. For sun or part shade. Introduced in 1995. A robust grower. Compare this to C.'Lady Hamilton' and you will see they are similar with C.'Buttercup' being green in stem and calyx.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Carmin Brilliant'. A relatively short montbretia (40cm) with crimson starry flowers with yellow centre. Good clump forming variety. Hot sunny spot; moist but with good winter drainage. Introdued in 1950. AGM. This variety was previously wrongly sold by the Dutch trade as ‘James Coey’
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Constance'. This variety has large warm orange flowers with lovely yellow centres. Each flower flares good and flat with broad petals, each darker on the reverse. Growth is vigorous with flowering stems to 2' (60cm) high. They enjoy full sun and moisture retentive but well drained conditions. Introduced 1993
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

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    1989. One of the shorter varieties at just 60cm tall. The overall effect is muted and sober with sombre dark bronze leaves that set off beautifully the flowers which are orange, stained with distinct rust spots at the throat and lightened with yellow veins down the centre of the petals and bright yellow stamens. Darker buds complete the picture.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davison'. A relatively short and lovely montbretia (40cm) with yellow starry flowers.  It is also one of the first to flower.. This plant, carrying the name of the first significant breeder of Crocosmia in England, has a confused history. The plant we now grow is actually the original ‘Norwich Canary’, a short cultivar in a warm rich orange yellow, opening from apricot buds. It is vigorous and free to flower. The original cultivar, now possibly lost, was introduced in 1900 ‘Golden Sheaf’ x (crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Golden Sheaf’) and was Large, early, golden yellow, 8-10 branched. Vigorous. 90cm. The plant now sold as ‘George Davison’ are actually the original ‘Norwich Canary’, a shorter cultivar in a warm rich orange yellow
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Named after Lord Nelson's lover, this is one of the varieties bred by George Davison, the first breeder of Crocosmias. It has a similar colouring to C.'Buttercup', with the main difference being the red calyces and coloured stems. The spikes are very upright and tightly packed with outward facing blooms in a rich warm yellow, very much enhanced by the red calyces and apricot buds. 60cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Red King'. One of the shorter montbretia (50-70cm) with smaller flowers, in a two tone red and warm yellow, produced in great profusion. Hot sunny spot; moist but with good winter drainage. 1926
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Crocosmias compared

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    Digitalis ferruginea 'Gelber Herold' (Yellow Herald) . Immaculate evergreen glossy rosettes of long, narrow dark green leaves are a feature all year. The flowers spikes are tall, stiff and densely crowded with charming ochre, yellow-lipped flowers arranged all around the stem in perfect regularity. More yellow in the flowers than the species. 4ft CAUTION- TOXIC IF EATEN
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Foxgloves Compared

  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Hungarian Globe Thistle. An intensely blue selection of this species, said to be far superior to forms of Echinops ritro. Large too, flowering at 120cm tall. Flowers from July to October. The species originates from Central to Eastern Europe through to Asia  
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Echinops tenuifolius. This species was singled out by William Robinson as the most magnificent in its family. The foliage is the finest, being more finely divided than other and it is a stark white on the reverse. The stems also are white woolly. Flower heads start off as spiky silver balls, becoming brilliant bright blue when the flowers are fully open. On the shorter side at 60cm and flowering from July to September. The species from Southern and Eastern Europe across to Russia and China.  
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    This is really a very fine Sea Holly indeed in more than one sense of the word. Eryngium 'Pen Blue' is in the x zabelii family with sea-green tripartite leaves. The flowers are borne on 60cm violet stems and are a picture of beauty. The collar is particularly wide in comparison to the central cone and its segments, radiating like the spokes of the devil's chariot are narrow, spiky and a striking electric Blue. Further adding to the effect, the flowers are beautifully arranged and composed with the secondary flowers slightly smaller and held a little lower. Altogether a class act and a magnet for the bees. Found by Jane Edmunds in her garden in Penselwood, Somerset.


    Eryngiums Compared

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    Potsize - 1L

    This new form of Miss Willmotts Ghost was discovered in the wild near Trabzon in Turkey in 1982 by Martyn Rix, Jimmy Smart and Dick and Ros Banks. It has flowers that are large with bracts that are narrower and more spiny than the species, in some ways a little more like a zabelii type. The leaves are also distinctive, being narrower with a wavier edge. It has the further advantage of a reputation for being more persistent and less reliably biennial than the species.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Eryngiums Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    A lovely cross between E.alpinum and E.bourgati. This form has particularly richly coloured bracts which are very long lasting. It is vigorous in growth and has large long-lasting heads of a bright metallic blue. Likes a position in full sun in not too rich a soil and not too wet. 75cm


    Eryngiums Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    A really big, bold statement of a plant for the back of large borders. Great clouds of ivory coloured, almost white, soft fluffy flowers sway on grey green stems which are richly clad in handsome whorls of fresh green foliage. A handsome architectural plants which can top 2m and is irresistible to insects. Flowering from July-September. Please don't expect to receive it in flower in Summer !


    High and Mighty

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Year round interest from rich deep maroon evergreen foliage with lighter burgundy new growth Topped in spring with bright yellow/green flws. HARMFUL IF EATEN. SKIN/EYE IRRITANT


    Euphorbia in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Euphorbia cyparissias 'Red Devil'. Pretty little Euphorbia with deep red new growth which fades a deep sea green, the perfect foil for the bright acid yellow flowers produced in profusion in spring. It's only 20cm tall but a great assest anywhere. The fine thread-like foliage is lovely in its own respect, but the brightness of the flowers punch well above their weight and persist for so long, fading into rich autumn tones before they depart. Any soil. Will run. HARMFUL IF EATEN. SKIN/EYE IRRITANT
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Euphorbia in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 9cm

    An anemone centred celandine . Bright golden yellow with widely spaced rounded petals around a tight central boss of curved petaloid stamens. The leaves are a joy for they are variously marbled and splashed with green, black and pewter. Sterile. Probably selected at Myddleton House, the garden of EA Bowles. Propagated by P Corbis in Yelverton in the 1960's as Beamish Double
  • Potsize - 9cm

    This curious little variety produces fully double blooms of shiny green flowers, streaked with yellow. Definitely a curiosity for the collector who likes to 'have the set' !
  • Potsize - 9cm

    Lesser Celandine. Gold-edged, bronze buds open to a typical celandine colour, the difference being that Ficaria verna 'Montacute' (Ranunculus ficaria) has 4 ruffs of petals, prettily incurved to reveal the contrasting bronzy reverse. The petals are neatly square-ended, almost as if they have been trimmed. Unlike 'Flore Pleno' the centres of the flowers are open revealing a green eye surrounded by a boss of orange anthers. The leaves are arrow shaped, green flecked with silver. A favourite of mine and one of the earliest to flower. Said to have been rescued from a verge in Montacute, Somerset in 1994 just prior to being destroyed in roadworks.
  • Potsize - 9cm

    Lesser Celandine. Glossy Buttermilk petals, shaded purplish on the reverse set off by a central boss of double-cream stamens. A nice contrast to the other cultivars or where the bold yellows are a bit too strident. Plain green leaves. This selection comes from Allan Robinson, former Rock Garden Superintendent at Wisley, who named it after his cat.
  • Potsize - 1L

    (Filipendula hexapetala 'Flore Pleno') I love this double form of meadowsweet. It has a gentle elegance with its coral-bronze buds opening to clusters of creamy white, tiny double 'roses' all carried on bronzy wiry stems. Attractive rosettes of dark ferny foliage (a bit like Achillea foliage all beefed up). I can just imagine this in a country brides bouquet, long before gypsophila was ever invented. 45cm high in flower in mid-summer. Unlike most Meadowseet this comes from upland chalk, and whilst not being a water lover, neither does it appreciate drought . As to alkalinity it seems remarkably indifferent.
  • Potsize - 9cm

    Fragaria vesca, commonly called wild strawberry, woodland strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian Strawberry, European strawberry, or fraisier des bois. This is our native strawberry. Much smaller than the cultivated varieties with a very running habit. It grows really well in shade where it will produce a steady supply of its really intensely flavoured small fruit. Great for growing somewhere where it can just run wild and free.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 10 or over.
  • Potsize - 1L

    Wand Flower, Bridal Wreath, Wedding Flower. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Francoa is that the flowers are particularly long lasting, so that the whole flowering spike will be in flower at the same time and for a protracted period. They cut very well, hence the common names. The flowers are rich pink in this form, held in tall swaying spikes over a rosette of deeply textured leaves which take on the richest red tones in Winter. This is a relative of the Heuchera, to which the flowers show similarities. 60cm in flower. For growing in a damp sunny site, but only suitable for permanent planting where the Winters are dry. Otherwise grow in pots so that plants can be kept indoors over Winter. Rogersen's form is shorter than the type and richer pink.
  • Potsize - 1L

    This is a valuable new addition to Gauras. Building on the success of 'Summer Breeze' which is proving to be reliable and persistent comes this pure white form. If you want all that airy, wafty charm of a Gaura with the endless stream of late Summer flowers, but want a pure clean white with no hint of red in the buds, then this is the plant for you. Reminiscent of the white Rosebay Willowherb for bringing a purity of green and white. Excellent for hot dry beds. If you came by this plant via Oenothera, you may think it odd, but some now place all of Gaura within Oenothera.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Great value throughout the year. Bertie Crug forms a low spreading mound of dark bronze-tinted shiny green leaves over which a long succession of pale pink flowers is produced. Good at the edges of beds or in a rock garden planting this is a reliable doer for full sun. Cooler Autumn winter brings a rich cherry red colour to the foliage. 15cm spreading.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Geranium Compared

    Geranium in the Garden

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Really vibrant 4cm wide flowers in a rich magenta pink with a deeper, almost purple venation and a gorgeous boss of blue-black stamens. The flowers are carried over really long season and look lovely with the black foliage of Ophiopogon which picks up the blackness of the eyes. The foliage in Spring is startlingly pale lemon with whiter edges and ages to a matt green with a hint of the darker spots typical of Geranium x oxonianum. Raised at Elworthy Cottage by Jenny Spiller in 2001 which is really all the recommendation you need. G.endressii ? crossed with G.wallichianum.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Geranium Compared

    Geranium in the Garden

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  • Potsize - 1L

    (Geranium albiflorum x Geranium sylvaticum) I was drawn to this delicate geranium as it was so different from its cousins. It has small lustrous mauve flowers, 1cm wide with petals quite widely spaced. It has a lovely little curly puce pink style and flushes of magenta bee-lines. It really comes into its own when established and flowering en masse when the effect is quite charming. 45-90cm. An Alan Bremner cross.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Geranium Compared

    Geranium in the Garden

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  • Potsize - 1L

    ( G. libani x G. peloponnesiacum) An Alan Bremner hybrid. One of the first things to note about this hybrid is its mostly evergreen habit. Fresh leaves begin to grow well before Christmas so that there is a good clump of fresh shiny leaves present by the new year. The flowers come in April and are large soft floppy discs in lavender with nicely contrasting red calyces. Altogether a very nice variety that is not much seen.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Geranium Compared

    Geranium in the Garden

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Geranium 'Tiny Monster'. (Geranium psilostemon x  Geranium ‘Ankum’s Pride’)  This cultivar has the benefit of a growth habit and leaf like a G.sanguineum, but with flowers on branching flower stems. It is long flowering with large flowers for its size, each Purplish red with darker veins. Leaves redden well in the Autumn. Raised by Rolf Offenthal at Grethem, Germany.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Geranium Compared

    Geranium in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs


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