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    Potsize - 1L

    Asplenium scolopendrium 'Angustatum'. a selected form of our native Hart's tongue fern with attractive narrow, bright green fronds, a shade darker than the species, with a crinkled undulating margin. 45cm 18'' . A lovely foil for other plants or as a contract to other ferns. For shade. Will tolerate quite dry conditions once fully established. Prefers a little lime.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

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  • Potsize - 1L

    This is a great form of Hart's Tongue fern that is little seen. It was given to us years ago by Mike and Dilly Smith and it has been brightening the garden by our back door ever since, getting better by the year. It is a fine member of the Crispum Group with deeply ruffled edges to the leaves that are worthy enough on their own. However, given sufficient light, the leaves are a rich yellow for most of the Spring, only darkening to green late in the Summer. The light is essential to get the golden colour, but direct sun will cause the leaves to burn. In shade it will be entirely green, but somewhere in-between it can show partial yellowing or even variegated stripes. Asplenium Scolpendrium 'Bolton' is very similar. 30-40cm tall. It is sterile and difficult to propagate.


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum'. The fronds of this variety are split numerous times at the tip so that the end of the frond resembles a frilly fan. The usual vase shape of the Hart's tongue fern is replaced by a more domed effect. Shorter than the species, usually less than 30cm.  Best in semi shade. Will only take dry sites if well shaded and once well established. 45cm. prefers a little lime.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    This Aster opens a myriad of small (2cm) single lilac-pink daisies on a short twiggy bush. Although classified as a novi-belgii hybrid it leans quite heavily in both flower shape and branching habit towards the style of a lateriflorus. As the flowers mature, the central grey-yellow boss becomes much elongated to a prominent bun the colour of crushed strawberries and the petals begin to reflex. Whatever the classification, with the lovely warm pink colouring I just couldn't resist it. 80cm, October. Some mildew resistance.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    The perfectly shaped and spaced petals of this neat purple Aster surround an equivalent sized green boss studded with golden stamens which puts me in mind of those head collars worn by Bill and Ben. A really rich purple flower on branching upright stems forms a rounded bush. Flowers produced really late in mid October and on into November. Healthy green foliage makes good ground cover even in quite dry shade. Flowers nearly 3cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Bred at the RHS in Chiswick in 1902, this variety didn't really make a mark until quite recently. A large and dramatic Aster with tall stiff shiny jet black stems topping out at nearly 5 feet high. Dark green leaves are also heavily flushed black by flowering time in late September. If that wasn't reason enough to include it at the back of your border it produces clouds and clouds of quite large mauvey-blue flowers at a time when the rest of the garden is fading.


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A very strong growing, tall (1.5-2m) beauty with strong stiff stems which support huge sprays of gorgeous cool, clean white daisies. Freshly opened flowers have green eyes, which adds to the immaculate effect. Flowering late in the year it is at its best in October where it cheers the Autumn garden both visually and as a rich nectar source for the insects to fill up on before Winter. The flowers even withstand the brief Autumn frosts to give a long lasting display. Rarely offered but bomb proof to grow, even the ubiquitous mildew doesn't touch it. The Blue 'Climax' grows at Great Dixter and is described as the trusted old friend that has performed for decades.


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A striking autumn flowering Aster with branching heads producing a mass of very bright cerise scarlet daisies warm enough to cheer the dullest day in fact when in full bloom the flower colour is strident enough to deliver a firm slap around the chops. It is just the brightest of pinks but it goes so well with the warm tones of Autumn. I'm not sure who Alma Potschke was, but she was clearly well worth remembering ( 'Andenken an' means 'in memory of' similar to the French version 'Souvenir de' ) . Very easy to grow. Height 1.3m (4ft). Like all the novae-angliaes it produces a series of unbranched stems topped with a branching terminal head of flowers. I am very grateful to Heather Farquharson whose research has recently answered my query above. I couldn't better her writing so I hope she doesn't mind me quoting it uncut.  'There is a German nursery near Stuttgart,, and the owner who developed the plant called it after his mother.  I only hope he did not call it after her because of memories of her delivering firm slaps around the chops and the resulting rosy cheeks.   Let's hope he had happier memories of her.' Its not uncommon for customer asking for this plant to decide that 5 consonants in a row is just too much and suffer verbal apoplexy somewhere soon after the 'Andenken'. Sometimes, with a glorious British disregard for correctness we settle for 'Posh' or maybe something like 'Potsky'. Having consulted with a German friend I am told the good lady's name should be pronounced more like 'Purr - sh - k' with a soft final 'k'.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Aster 'Lye End Beauty' falls somewhere in-between 'Harrington's Pink' and 'Alma Potschke' in the colour stakes. The narrow petals are a rich, but not strident cerise on their inner surface and a silvery pink on the reverse. With a dark ruff of narrow bracts and rose tinted stems it was certainly well named. Like most novae-angliae types it is relatively tall with long straight stems which may need staking. Grow it well back in the border where it can hide away all summer, revealing its full glory in Autumn as those in front fade and are cut back. A chance seedling which occurred at Lye end in Woking in the 1950's along with several others that are named after the garden. 130-175cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    30cm. The short, twiggy bush is literally smothered with beautiful semi-double lilac-blue daisies, 3cm wide with yellow button eyes. Although technically semi-double, the flowers open flat and appear as well formed singles. Mid September-October
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    MICHAELMAS DAISY. A shorter growing Aster with semi-double dark purple-red flowers on 70cm high plants. The flowers are relatively small but they are produced in great abundance on fine flowering stems that branch and branch repeatedly to produce a dense cerise cloud. Will thrive in sun or part shade. September-October


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    The benefits of this hybrid Michaelmas daisy are a short compact habit combined with an abundance of flowers in a rich lavender-blue that completely cover the plant. Each flower is semi-double with a bright two-toned golden yellow eye. Blends beautifully with the rich tones of Autumn 40cm


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    An intermediate height, neat Aster with a rich profusion of pale lavender-blue flowers with appealing pale creamy yellow eyes. Only 50cm high and flowering from late September into October.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    MICHAELMAS DAISY. What a delightful Aster this is. The flowers are semi-double, but nearly so full as to be approaching double. In colour they are a gorgeous pastel pale-lavender with even paler tips shown off beautifully by the dark foliage. towards the centre of each flower there are a few unruly narrow petals which dance along with the yellow stamens and green eye in a most delightful way. A shorter growing Aster at around 50cm high. Will thrive in sun or part shade. September-October


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    I recently visited the National Collection of Aster novi-belgii held at the Picton Gardens, and with a collection of around 50 already I was told by him indoors that I didn't need anymore. However this small flowered (2cm wide) mid pink semi-double Aster with dark eyes had me dribbling. A lovely colour and such a mass of blooms. I wasn't surprised that it was the last one left. A beauty that had to go home with me ! 90cm, September to October.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Intermediate between the very dwarf and tall border Asters. This little stocky plant is smothered in smallish lialc-blue daisies and is ideal for the edge or near front of the border to give a dash of late colour. An excellent late nectar source for bees and butterflies. Late September 50cm. Flowers 3cm.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Always distinguished by its very upright growth, forming a columnar plant rather than a rounded bush. Flowers are 4.5cm wide a lovely clean white opening rather flat with a pincushion centre that is small, a subtle brick red brightened by the golden yellow stamens that poke out. 90cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    MICHAELMAS DAISY. Carrying the Ballard name is always a great recommendation and this variety doesn't disapoint. Aster 'Patricia Ballard' is a medium growing aster with semi-double flowers that are bright clear pink and beautifully formed. The petals come in multiple rows all beautifully neatly arranged into a very even flat daisy with a bright golden centre. 90cm high plants with broad glossy mid green foliage. Will thrive in sun or part shade. September-October
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    An exceptionally short Michaelmas daisy which makes up for its size by the punch of its clear pink flowers, produced in great abundance in September. The flowers are a good full semi-double in a sugary lavender-pink that darkens towards the bright golden centre. 20cm. Aster 'Rosenwitchel' creates a really dense mound of closely packed foliage reminiscent of a bun forming alpine. Any good soil in full sun
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A very distinctively coloured michaelmas daisy with single medium sized (4cm) purple flowers with a burgundy sheen, becoming even darker on maturity. Golden yellow eyes become tawny with age. Late September onwards. 150cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    The Michaelmas daisies are such a welcome flourish at the end of the year with their glowing profusion of rich tones. This variety is a rich carmine-red semi-double with a bright golden button. The 5cm flowers keep a relatively flat shape with a double row of long narrow petals. 90cm. Aster 'Winston Churchill' has a reputation for having greater mildew resistance than most. Forms a stiffly branching bush with relatively pale foliage. Bred by R.Lindsey of Gayborder Nursery.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Aster Varieties Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A recently selected large flowered dark red masterwort. Tight clusters of maroon flowers are surrounded by beautiful ray florets. An interesting & beautiful plant happy in sun or part shade with some drainage


    Astrantia Compared

    Astrantia in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Astrantia 'Roma'. Lovely mid pink cultivar of good constitution. The bracts form a shallow starry cup that is a shade lighter than the tight central pincushion of true flowers. 60cm. An interesting & beautiful plant Happy in sun or part shade with some drainage


    Astrantia Compared

    Astrantia in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    A pure white, green-tipped, large flowered Astrantia from the 'Star' breeding program. We have examined this closely this year and it looks for all the world exactly like 'Shaggy', the excellent old variety selected by Margery Fish. It is a fine plant but we are as yet unsure why it merits its own name and PBR status.


    Astrantia Compared

    Astrantia in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    This is the plain native form of Lady Fern, a plant that can be found throughout Britain growing in damp shady sites, but avoiding calcareous soils. It is an extremely hardy species and one that is quite variable from bipinnate to tripinnate sometimes. Whichever, it has a finer appearance than the Male fern and to my nose it is one of the 'ferniest smelling' of the ferns. It is fairly soon cut down with the onset of the frosts and is fully deciduous. Whilst a moist atmosphere is always an advantage and that coupled with a moist site will allow this fern to show of its best, once established they will actually tolerate quite dry sites, though with a cost on performance and leaf quality in dry spells.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

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    The Fern Order (Taxonomical List)

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    Potsize - 1L

    Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae'. Tatting fern. In this fascinating variant of our native lady fern the pinnae are reduced to small circular lobes all along the length of the frond. Height 15-25cm. Best in damp semi-shade, but can take drier sites than most Athyrium filix-femina varieties on account of it losing less water than fuller fronded varieties. Because each frond is essentially linear, this is a very distinctive variety, having more the outline of a grass than a fern. Discovered in County Wicklow by Mrs Frizell in 1857. Tatting is handmade lace.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

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  • Potsize - 1L

    This is the cruciate form of our native Lady fern. The leaves retain the lovely delicate nature of the species, but are distinguished in that alternate pinnae along the frond point either up or down from the plane of the leaf so that, were you to look down the length you could see a cross pattern. Often referred to as The Queen of the Ferns, it was a much treasured Victorian find. The tip of each pinna is also slightly crested which accentuates the overall frond outline. As with the native form, this is best in light shade with access to moisture at all times. grows to 90cm maybe a little more.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

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    Potsize - 1L

    This is a selection of the North American form of our native Lady Fern which has stipes (frond stems) that are picked out in a rich ruby red. The full colouration is not apparent on young plants, but increases after plants have passed through their first frosty winter and then intensifies with age. Good nutrition will also intensify the colour. Overall the fronds are delicate in texture and posses that lovely 'ferny smell' when brushed. Needs constant access to moisture to grow at its best, achieving 90cm in height. Discovered in Vermont by John Lynch of the New England Wildflower Society.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Japanese Painted Fern. One of the many fine cultivars of this already lovely fern. Fronds are fine and delicate with a metallic silvery green sheen. Fronds are broad and grow fairly horizontally such that a plant will give good ground coverage when in leaf. A lovely fern worthy of a little care and a moist shady spot where it will prove most hardy. 45cm. Deciduous
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Japanese Painted Fern. One of the many fine cultivars of this already lovely fern. Each frond begins the season green, ageing with a metallic silvery sheen which is further enhanced by rosy red etching and shading . Fronds are broad and grow fairly horizontally such that a plant will give good ground coverage when in leaf. A lovely fern worthy of a little care and a moist shady spot where it will prove most hardy. 45cm. Deciduous
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

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    Potsize - 1L

    Athyrium otophorum 'Okanum' is a very choice fern with striking colouration. The young fronds emerge a pale ochre with prominent maroon veining, giving the Spring plant far more the colours you expect of Autumn. It is especially striking with the light shining through the foliage. As spring progresses, the fronds assume a blue green tint.  A lovely fern to brighten a moist dark corner. 60cm. Retains its fronds longer than most female ferns. Deciduous, needs moisture.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

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    Potsize - 1L

    Blue False Indigo. Baptisia carries tall, straight open spikes of really blue pea flowers followed by decorative seed pods which dry well for Winter decoration. Whilst most of the species in this genus grow on sandy, dry woodland soils, Baptisia australis is a native of riverbanks. It enjoys drainage but likes moisture and a deep root. Best planted in a lime free soil in a place where it can be left undisturbed. It is slow starter and disappointing to start with, but give it time as once established it will gradually build over a number of years to a plant that can flower to 75cm tall and be quite showy and a real talking point.


    Potsize - 1L

    Bergenia 'Bressingham White'. Praised for its robust stature and the freedom with which it produces both flower and leaf. Slowly spreading to form a good clump of large leaves with fine trusses of pure white flowers from March until May. Raised by Blooms and happy in both sun and part shade.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Bergenia Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Bergenia 'Eric Smith'. A handsome variety originally bred by Eric Smith at Hadspen House in Somerset and given to Beth Chatto who then named it in his honour. It has large, wavy edged crinkled leaves which take on plum and crimson tones in Winter. Sprays of bright mid-pink flowers top the foliage in Spring.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Bergenia Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    This is a compact form of Bergenia but one that punches above its weight when it comes to flowering. Flowers are bright rosy-pink, carried on bright red stems and produced abundantly in March and April. Foliage is green for the growing season and turns deep beetroot in the Winter. 15-30cm tall.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Bergenia Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    An early flowering hybrid between B.ciliata and B.emeiensis nice, narrow, glossy green leaves, flushed red beneath and on the serrated margins. Like B.emiensis it has beautifully poised, shapely branched trusses of flowers, bell shaped at first becoming flared and wide separated with age. Also in common with B.emiensis its stems and calyxes are beautifully flushed with a pinky orange. The blooms are subtly shaded palest pink at first - just a suggestion of pink on a pure white, but as they age the central flush gradually grows until it is completely suffused rose-pink. A delightful but little known hybrid that requires a sheltered position away from the coldest winds. Bred by Robin White.


    Bergenia Compared

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  • Bergenia ‘Rosi Klose’


    Potsize - 1L

    Bergenia 'Silberlicht'. A relatively new addition to the Bergenia family having been raised in 1982 by H.Klose. It thrives in sun or shade even in quite dry conditions and produces valuable ground cover of handsome bronze tinted leaves. Its real beauty is shown when in flower late in the Spring. Flowering stems are tall and pink carrying flowers in a sugar pink hue.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Bergenia Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    Bergenia ciliata. The leaves of this choice species are large- up to 30cm across, well rounded and covered in tiny hairs. It makes a large clump, but considerably less dense than most bergenias. The flowers are pink, held erect and slightly fragrant. Slightly more tender than the more robust species and deserving of a spot with some shelter, especially for the flowers. Foliage will die back somewhat in winter. Leaves colour red in Autumn. Native of Afghanistan and Tibet. Prefers cool moist shade.


    Bergenia Compared

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  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Whilst the heart shaped leaves make good muted green ground cover, it is the flowers are remarkable. In shape and colour they are very like the heads of betony, if a little paler, but they are borne on short stalks and are of a large size quite out of proportion with expectations. A first rate plant for the front of the border. No where near as rampant as its cousin, Stachys lanata. Plant in sun for good flowering. 30cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Briza media. Perennial Quaking Grass. Wiry stems carry a wide branched head of hanging papery flowers that sway and quake in the slightest breeze. A very pretty if understated little grass that is best situated where the sun can catch the flowers. The only perennial quaking grass.
  • Potsize - 1L

    A pretty quaking grass with tidy mounds of soft glaucous leaves with handsome white edges and striping. In Summer, dainty wands of little dancing lockets are produced which sway in the breeze. Green-white at first and often tinged with pink, the seed heads become golden with age. Semi-evergreen clumps of leaves. Not a very long lived plant but careful regular division can extend its life. Seedlings do not come true. 50-70cm in flower, 30cm in leaf.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Siberian Bugloss. A brilliant perennial which grows well in dry shady places, but will excel in most reasonable positions. Large heart-shaped felty green leaves make a stout clump topped in Spring with a cloud of tiny forget-me-not flowers. Hardy and reliable and one of those plants that ought to find a place in every garden. 30-45cm  
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Brunnera Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'. Coarsely hairy, heart-shaped leaves are heavily silvered and picked out by dark green margins and veins, making fascinating patterns not unlike an intricate cathedral window. A picture from Spring to Autumn especially when given shade and adequate moisture to prevent scorching in high Summer. The Spring display is further enhanced by an airy cloud of icy-blue forget-me-nots on stems decorated with smaller but similarly marked leaves. 50cm


    Brunnera Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart'.  A new introduction (2012) by Spilsbergen-Willemsen from the Netherlands. Superficially like a more silvered version of the popular Jack Frost, but generally considered to be a tougher more sun resistant variety on account of the thicker character of the leaves, which can also grow larger in size. Coarsely hairy, heart-shaped leaves are heavily silvered and picked out by dark green margins and veins, making fascinating patterns not unlike an intricate cathedral window. A picture from Spring to Autumn especially when given shade and adequate moisture to prevent scorching in high Summer. The Spring display is further enhanced by an airy cloud of icy-blue forget-me-nots on stems decorated with smaller but similarly marked leaves. 50cm plus


    Brunnera Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Very similar to the ever popular Brunnera 'Jack Frost' except that it is a little whiter and has an elongated pointed tip to the leaf. Leaves are a lovely silver with the veins picked out in green forming a dense mound in any situation that is out of direct sun. Clouds of blue forget-me-not flowers in Spring.


    Brunnera Compared

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  • Potsize - 1L

    A real upright accent. Tall and narrow with variegated foliage and generous heads of feathery flowers.
  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    A lovely variety with leaves that begin the year a rich bronze in colour. This colour fades as the flower stems develop so that by the time the plant is in full flower the leaves have toned down to a rich dark green with just the flower stems showing a purple flush. However the contrast of dark leaves and shining sunshine yellow flowers as they first emerge from the buds is a most beautiful thing. A variety that deserves to become well known. Marsh Marigolds are amongst the first flowers of Spring, flowering throughout the month of April.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    There are two factors that set this lovely variety apart, its size and its colouring. It is larger than the species and perhaps a little more upright with leaves that are of a fresher paler green, held on pink stained petioles. The flowers, which are also large, are of a bright lemon yellow rather than the more chrome yellows of most varieties. Will root from the nodes on the flower stems. Can be planted on the pond margin or just into the water. 45cm. Marsh Marigolds are amongst the first flowers of Spring, flowering throughout the month of April.
  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    As Marsh Marigolds go this one is relatively compact in growth, shorter in all its parts. However it is the flowers that are the chief attraction. They start off looking like a normal Marsh Marigold with the tightest anemone centre you could imagine. Then, as the flowers age, the centre petals grow out until you have a full blown miniature pom-pom dahlia of a flower in rich glowing gold. 30cm spread. Marsh Marigolds are amongst the first flowers of Spring, flowering throughout the month of April.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Campanula 'Sarastro'. From mats of soft pale green hairy leaves come tall waving stems hung with rich deep purple bells. Similar to Kent Belle, but more mauve in colour with dark buds, longer bells, a more compact habit and longer flowering season. Loved by the bees. 60cm.  Sarastro is the name of an Austrian Nursery and also the second character to die in The Magic Flute.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Campanula Compared

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