Alchemilla conjuncta (Alchemilla alpina)

Alchemilla conjuncta (Alchemilla alpina)


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Potsize – 1L

A very neat, refined version of Ladies’ Mantle with small neat foliage shaped like a rounded seven point star. The leaf edges are picked out in silvery hairs. The sprays of pale green flowers have distinctive calyces, lending the flowers a spherical texture. Smaller and less rambunctious than its cousin Alchemilla mollis but with similar charming flowers that make such a lovely foil to other flowers, both in the garden or in a vase. Easier to grow than the similar Alchemilla alpina, under whose name this is often sold, which really demands alpine conditions with perfect drainage.


Alchemilla in the Garden

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Alchemilla conjuncta (Alchemilla alpina)

Alchemilla conjuncta (Alchemilla alpina) is a very neat, refined version of Ladies’ Mantle with small neat foliage shaped like a rounded seven point star. The leaf edges are picked out in silvery hairs. The sprays of pale green flowers have distinctive calyces, lending the flowers a spherical texture. Smaller and less rambunctious than its cousin Alchemilla mollis but with similar charming flowers that make such a lovely foil to other flowers, both in the garden or in a vase. Easier to grow than the similar Alchemilla alpina, under whose name this is often sold, which really demands alpine conditions with perfect drainage.

The colour of the flowers of Alchemilla is derived from two rows of sepals, the flowers lack petals.

Medieval alchemist believed the water droplets that collected in the centre of alchemilla leaves possessed magical and medicinal properties. The plant has a long tradition of being used to cure  women’s ailments and the plant was consequently named in dedication to the Virgin Mary. The leaves were seen as resembling a mantle (cloak).

Alchemilla derives from the Arabic word ‘alkimiya’ = alchemy

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Pot Size

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Flowering Month

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