handsome / notable

  • Potsize - 1L

    Acanthus dioscoridis var. perringii. A short really spiky acanthus for growing in a spot that is warm and dry. Full sun will bring the best flowering when the highly unusual short spikes of hooded flowers can best be appreciated. Differs from Acanthus dioscoridis in the divided nature of the leaves. Flowers pale to deeper pink covered by pink veined hoods. 40cm. A good alternative to the larger species where space is limited.


    Acanthus Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Acanthus mollis . This is the classic Bear's Breeches that is so used in Classical decoration. Handsome deeply lobed leaves and stiff spikes densely packed with four rows of purple shrouded white flowers. This species is more open than its variety 'Latifolius' and paler in colour. Well drained soil in full sun; Height between 90 & 150cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Acanthus Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Acanthus spinosus 'Lady Moore'. Handsome plants with large shining ornamental foliage. This species has deeply divided glossy dark green leaves, which in 'Lady Moore' are splashed and spotted cream in Spring when the plant is growing vigorously. Spires of hooded foxglove-like flowers. Height 4-5 feet. the cream variegation does not show up in potted plants.


    Acanthus Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    The spiniest, prickliest form of Acanthus spinosus. The leaves are so finely cut that they are reduced to a veinal framework with every part of the leaf a handsome silver spike. It thrives in hot dry conditions although it flowers less precociously than the type. Still the foliage is amazing with its combination of dark green ground almost completely silvered over. It's ferocious mind - our neighbour grows it in his plant jail alongside his golden stinging nettle ! 75cm


    Acanthus Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Extremely handsome plant of great distinction with its deeply divided rich purple black leaves and tall waving wand of pink budded white flowers produced as late as Oct. Dark colour becomes more apparent on older plants. Best with moist soil. No need to stake. Immune to slugs


    Actaea Compared

  • Potsize - 1L

    Actaea simplex 'Pink Spike' ( Cimicifuga simplex var. simplex 'Pink Spike' ). Autumn Snakeroot. This variety comes with the exquisite black leaves of the Atropurpureum Group with cylindrical flower heads that have a pink tinge owing to the pink colour of the stamens.  The deeply divided rich purple black leaves and tall waving wands of pink budded white flowers produced as late as Oct are very distinguished. Best with moist soil. No need to stake. Immune to slugs. Western China to Korea. 1.2m


    Actaea Compared

  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    Angelica sylvestris 'Purpurea' . Starting remarkably early in  the year this plant pushes up fascinating glossy purple foliage, soon becoming an imposing architectural feature topped with a dense spherical head of pink flowers. In appearance not dissimilar to a more sturdy cow parsley, but with less air and more presence. Will seed about mildly. Likes a good moist spot.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over



  • Potsize - 1L

    Aruncus 'Horatio'. A fine hybrid Goat's Beard raised by the famous German nurseryman Ernst Pagels. He deliberately crossed the dwarf A. aethusifolius with the larger A. dioicus creating a mid height variety with the best of both parents. The foliage is fine, close and well divided; Fresh green all year and colouring brilliant shades well into Autumn. The Astilbe-likeflowers are creamy white, open with stiff horizontal branches, tending towards A.aethusifolius. Altogether a plant of grace and charm. 120cm height and spread.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over
  • Potsize - 1L

    Asarum europaeum - Asarabacca. Shining evergreen foliage interest for moist shade where creeping rooting stems form loose ground cover. Curious fly pollinated flowers appear in spring. Asarum europaeum - Asarabacca - may not be the most showy but everything about it cries out class. The leaves are a lovely glossy deep green and evenly rounded, the perfect counterpart to filigree plants like Maidenhair ferns. It will grow in dry shaded locations where it will make good groundcover and if you care to lower your nose to it you'll catch  a rich spicy aroma. It is certainly one of my favourites. CAUTION. All parts of this plant are poisonous.


    Potsize - 1L

    Asplenium scolopendrium ( Phyllitis scolopendrium, Scolopendrium vulgare ). Harts Tongue Fern. Adaptable British native with broad bright green fronds that make an excellent foil for other plants and provide a contrasting form in any fern collection. Grows best in semi shade. Will only take dry sites if well shaded and not until it is well established. Prefers a little lime in the soil. 45cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Asplenium scolopendrium 'Angustatum'. a selected form of our native Hart's tongue fern with attractive narrow, bright green fronds, a shade darker than the species, with a crinkled undulating margin. 45cm 18'' . A lovely foil for other plants or as a contract to other ferns. For shade. Will tolerate quite dry conditions once fully established. Prefers a little lime.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    This is a great form of Hart's Tongue fern that is little seen. It was given to us years ago by Mike and Dilly Smith and it has been brightening the garden by our back door ever since, getting better by the year. It is a fine member of the Crispum Group with deeply ruffled edges to the leaves that are worthy enough on their own. However, given sufficient light, the leaves are a rich yellow for most of the Spring, only darkening to green late in the Summer. The light is essential to get the golden colour, but direct sun will cause the leaves to burn. In shade it will be entirely green, but somewhere in-between it can show partial yellowing or even variegated stripes. Asplenium Scolpendrium 'Bolton' is very similar. 30-40cm tall. It is sterile and difficult to propagate.


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum'. The fronds of this variety are split numerous times at the tip so that the end of the frond resembles a frilly fan. The usual vase shape of the Hart's tongue fern is replaced by a more domed effect. Shorter than the species, usually less than 30cm.  Best in semi shade. Will only take dry sites if well shaded and once well established. 45cm. prefers a little lime.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Athyrium otophorum 'Okanum' is a very choice fern with striking colouration. The young fronds emerge a pale ochre with prominent maroon veining, giving the Spring plant far more the colours you expect of Autumn. It is especially striking with the light shining through the foliage. As spring progresses, the fronds assume a blue green tint.  A lovely fern to brighten a moist dark corner. 60cm. Retains its fronds longer than most female ferns. Deciduous, needs moisture.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over

    More About Ferns

    The Fern Order (Taxonomical List)

    Botanical Style Photographs of Ferns

  • Potsize - 1L

    A little known Chinese member of the Ranunculaceae which is rarely offered. It has beautiful dark green shining orbicular leaves on long thin, but stiff petioles. The leaves have substantial texture and an overlay of dark peaty-brown staining which varies in intensity with the time of year. At its best it rivals a piece of well patinated bronze. Named calthifolia after the resemblance to the shape and arrangement of leaves in our native Marsh Marigold, but Beesia is a lot classier, indeed my brother's wedding buttonholes were set off with these lovely leaves. The flowers are starry, a little like an enlarged tiarella on stiff stems, creamy white and produced continuously. For moisture retentive, humus rich soil in shade. This plant was introduced to cultivation by Dan Hinckley, a fact for which he is deservedly proud.
  • Potsize - 1L

    Bergenia ciliata. The leaves of this choice species are large- up to 30cm across, well rounded and covered in tiny hairs. It makes a large clump, but considerably less dense than most bergenias. The flowers are pink, held erect and slightly fragrant. Slightly more tender than the more robust species and deserving of a spot with some shelter, especially for the flowers. Foliage will die back somewhat in winter. Leaves colour red in Autumn. Native of Afghanistan and Tibet. Prefers cool moist shade.


    Bergenia Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Beautiful leaf form with large heart shaped leaves boldly bordered in white. A delicate cloud of pale blue forget-me-not flowers brings the whole plant to life in spring. Grows best in light shade and needs to be sited away from full sun where the leaves can sometimes scorch. 60cm This variety was brought to cultivation from a garden in Holland some time before 1969 by Douglas Dawson. The variegation is bolder, white rather than yellow, and the whole plant more compact than Brunnera 'Hadspen Cream'.


    Brunnera Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 3.5 inch round

    Cyclamen coum is the other cyclamen commonly grown out of doors in Britain. It is a little fussier than Cyclamen hederifolium but essentially requires quick drainage, good winter light with a little shade in the hottest part of the day come Spring and shelter from cold drying winds. It is very hardy but dislikes freezing or wet winds. Its marbled kidney-shaped leaves appear in September and persist until late Spring when higher temperatures and sunlight force the into a protective dormancy. The flowers are more dumpy and rounded than typical cyclamen flowers and come in a range of colours from white through pink to deep magenta, always with a darker blotch at the mouth of the paler eyes. They liven up the Winter garden, appearing as they do from Christmas onwards, being remarkably cold tolerant. Excellent for naturalising in sunny banks at the foot of trees, even conifers providing the branches don't come too close to the ground. They only require good drainage, some shelter and a little shade in late Spring which can be provided by deciduous shrubs and tress or even herbaceous plants or bulbs. Discount of 25p for 3-9 plants, 30p for 10 or more Our plants have been grown from seed collected around the garden and are therefore various shades and have varied leaf patterns. They are not wild collected


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Darmera peltatum (Peltiphyllum peltatum). All through the summer months, the fresh green, broad circular leaves make a bold dense clump before turning lovely scarlet in Autumn. The spring sees large round heads of pink stained flowers rise 3ft high like drumsticks sprouting from the soil. For moist to boggy soil. 125cm tall spreading. Very often planted by the side of a pond, but also suitable for growing in shade, even in light woodland provided there is moisture to be found at the root. The leaves sprout from a network of thick rhizomes that creep over the top of the soil in a dense mat.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Potsize - 1L

    The beautiful Bleeding Heart or Lady-in-the-Bath. Fresh green ferny foliage above which arch stems dripping pink & white flowers like dewdrops. A picture of poise and grace. 3ft in a nice moist soil. The fleshy roots are delving and brittle so its best not disturbed and best sited in a sheltered situation in sun or partial shade with plenty of humus. In hot situations where water might go short at the roots, the plant will take a period of Summer dormancy but will re-emerge the following Spring. Mulching helps to extend the flowering season. Great cut flower and surprisingly scented. Deer and Rabbit resistant, possibly on account of its yellow sap. You know a plant has been loved for years when it has numerous names. For this one try Bleeding Hearts or Ladies-in-the-Bath, Ladies-in-a-boat or Dutchman's Breeches or even Lady's Locket and Lyre Flower. The ladies-in-the-bath/boat reference is only apparent if you take an open flower, turn it upside down and pull the outer petals apart, then it becomes obvious.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    GOLDEN SCALED MALE FERN. Beautiful native fern which will tolerate wide ranging conditions including dry shade; but preferring a moist soil. Semi evergreen fronds make a clump 100cm*100cm
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Dryopteris dilitata 'Crispa Whiteside'. Broad Buckler Fern. A beautiful form of a moisture loving British native fern with large broad spreading fronds intricately congested and wavy. 60cm. Very good for naturalising in woodlands and near water.  Like the species, except that all leafy parts of the frond are crispy. Originally found in the wild by Robert Whiteside, who considered it his best wild find. Later reintroduced by Reginald Kaye.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Dryopteris filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactyla'. A form of our native male fern with fronds whose pinnae are narrowed almost down to threads giving a fine cloudy appearance. Adapts to most soils; tolerating very dry soils quite well. Evergreen if sheltered. 75cm high and wide. A bi-pinnate, long-fingered cristate form of 'Linearis'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    A most unusual fern with magnificent and oddly shaped fronds that mark it out as quite distinct from any other Dryopteris. The leaves have a leathery quality with 2-5 pairs of broad pinnae and a long pointed terminal pinnule. (a further subdivision of the primary leaflets, known as the pinnae). It requires adequate moisture and a sheltered position as it is not bone-hardy in every Winter (covering the crown would help greatly in very cold Winters). In a choice position it can remain evergreen, but it will become deciduous as a protective measure against the cold. Use the old fronds as protection for the crown. It is slow to bulk up and propagate but well worth the wait. fronds eventually get 20-50 by 20-35cm and the rhizome will gradually creep. From japan and Taiwan. Zone 8, which includes most of England and Wales and the West coast of Scotland.


    Ferns - Garden Pictures

    Ferns for Moist Sites

    Ferns for Dry Sites

    Ferns - Deciduous or Evergreen

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    This is really a very fine Sea Holly indeed in more than one sense of the word. Eryngium 'Pen Blue' is in the x zabelii family with sea-green tripartite leaves. The flowers are borne on 60cm violet stems and are a picture of beauty. The collar is particularly wide in comparison to the central cone and its segments, radiating like the spokes of the devil's chariot are narrow, spiky and a striking electric Blue. Further adding to the effect, the flowers are beautifully arranged and composed with the secondary flowers slightly smaller and held a little lower. Altogether a class act and a magnet for the bees. Found by Jane Edmunds in her garden in Penselwood, Somerset.


    Eryngiums Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Good for Bees

    Good for Bees

    Potsize - 1L

    Eryngium agavifolium. An architectural species which hails from stony hillsides and rocky riverbanks in the Cordoba region of Argentina. It has long pale green strap-like leaves with spiny edges, probably the broadest of the commonly grown long leaved species. The flower spikes are stiff 1m stalks topped with a small terminal knob of greeny white spiny cones. We've had this plant for years, but it has taken me many years to persuade Dawn of its merits. She's finally given in so it remains to be seen if I'm vindicated. A bold statement and Great for the bees. For full sun in a well drained but not dry soil. Hardy to -10 if really happy, less if miserable.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Eryngiums Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Good for Bees

    Good for Bees

    Potsize - 1L

    Eryngium bourgatii . Rosettes of deeply cut crisp, curly grey-green leaves with silver veins make a notable feature all on their own. The clump gives rise to branching spikes of blue-green thistles with blue spiky bracts that begin silver. A beautiful plant all year 60cm (2ft) high which needs well drained soil in full sun. Great for the bees
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Eryngiums Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Bee Friendly

    Bee Friendly

    Potsize - 1L

    A lovely cross between E.alpinum and E.bourgati. This form has particularly richly coloured bracts which are very long lasting. It is vigorous in growth and has large long-lasting heads of a bright metallic blue. Likes a position in full sun in not too rich a soil and not too wet. 75cm


    Eryngiums Compared

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Year round interest from rich deep maroon evergreen foliage with lighter burgundy new growth Topped in spring with bright yellow/green flws. HARMFUL IF EATEN. SKIN/EYE IRRITANT


    Euphorbia in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum' - Bronze Fennel. Clumps of beautiful feathery bronze leaves build up to make impressive mounds that are a perfect foil for bold leaves such as Hostas. The stems grow 5-7 ft high and are topped with delicate yellow umbels that are equally ornamental. dead-head to prevent seeding. The strongly aromatic foliage, which smells of aniseed, has a long history of medicinal and herbal use being noted for its restorative powers on vision and to make more gaunt those '..that are grown fat.' These powers might be of some doubt, but it is reliably great in a  ratatouille. Florence (vegetable) fennel is derived from the annual variety F.vulgare var.dulce
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Bold Foliage Plants

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'. Medium - Large (90 x 50 cm). A fabulous blue Hosta with puckered heavy textured leaves, round in outline and distinctly cupped. Great topped with the white flowers. Just wait for it to rain ! H. 'Tokudama' x H. sieboldiana (Walden West  1989)
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Color Festival'. Medium. 30 x 50cm. An eye-catching combination of fluorescent yellow streaks between a dark green margin and a white centre make a stunning Hosta. Sport of H. ' Enterprise'.  (D vanEechaute, 2007)
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Devon Green'. Medium. 45 x 60cm. A good Hosta for providing contrast in a collection or as a foil to delicate flowers. Deep green leaves are of a good satiny texture form lovely even mounds. Best sited in light shade. Has a  moderately rapid growth rate. Sport of H. 'Halcyon'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Domaine de Courson'. Large. height 100-120cm. A very large Hosta with satiney, dark-green, rounded leaves with a distinctive blue cast.  The habit is rather open. Sport of Hosta 'Sum and Substance' or possibly of its sport Hosta 'Lady Isobel Barnett'.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'El Nino'. Medium. 50 x 75cm. A striking medium sized hosta with a very neat appearance. Intensely Blue-green leaves which are greyer towards the bright white margins which are wider on older plants. A Hosta that always gets noticed. Site in low light to shade to maintain the striking colour. Good substance. A hybrid of H.'Halcyon'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Empress Wu'   Giant. 140 x 250cm. For those who like the biggest this is the Hosta to have. The leaves are of a mid blue green and grow to massive proportions, with a clump that can easily be 2m across and standing almost as much tall in leaf alone, this is an imposing plant.  Fast growing, it demands space in semi shade and a moist soil where it is sure to turn heads. H.'Big John' selfed. This variety was bred by Mike and Virginia Scaggs as part of their Xanadu series and is named in honour of the only woman to rule China in her own right.


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Hosta 'Frances Williams'     


    Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Frances Williams'. Giant. A very fine large Hosta. The large cupped and corrugated leaves are variegated with a sea green base and broad creamy yellow margin. A moist shady site will see the full potential. Plant in light to moderate shade both to preserve the wonderful colouring and to stop the edges scorching. Can be slow to establish. 1986 winner of the Alex J. Summers Distinguished Merit Hosta Award. Sport of H. ' Elegans'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Gold Edger'. Small. 30 x 90cm. An excellent edging Hosta with heart shaped leaves of heavy substance that change in colour from light green through chartreuse to gold. A very dense grower that will tolerate sun all day long. H. 'Blue Cadet' selfed or x H.'Gold Cadet'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Small-Medium. H.capitata origin. R.Savory 1977. A really quick grower that bulks up in no time. Relatively small leaves, which broaden to oval as the plant matures, in mid green with a yellow margin that fades to cream. For its small size, the flowers are quite tall, abundantly produced in strong lavender, stronger in sunlight.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Medium. Identical to H.'Touch of Class'. Sport of H.'Carder Blue' possibly. M.Lavana/A.Malloy. Still a very good Hosta and one of the earliest to come to flower. Broad blue leaves with a strong yellow centre. Recorded as being similar to June except for a more solid broad blue edge.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Small-Medium. Tissue culture sport of H.'Golden Tiara'. A,Pollock 1991. Like its parent, this is a quick growing variety. The main distinction is that the yellow edge is much broader, at least half the width of the leaf. Leaf colour better with some morning sum. A polyploid sport, ie it has extra chromosomes, which give the leaves a thicker texture.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • American Hosta Growers Association Hosta of the Year

    Hosta of the Year 2002

    Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Guacamole'. Medium. 25cm x 50cm. An open mound of overlapping rounded gold leaves margined dark green. A fast grower for a sunny spot where it will quickly achieve its full potential. Large fragrant flowers in August held well above the foliage. The green margin can be barely visible in cooler growing conditions. Sport of H. 'Fragrant Bouquet'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs



    Potsize - 1L

    Medium-Large. H.plantaginea x H.sieboldii. A.Cummings & AHS 1986. We've found this variety to be very tough in the garden, and relatively resistant to slugs despite its soft appearance. The leaves are a simple elegant apple green, long and tapered in shape. As you would expect from a plantaginea cross, the flowers are large and fragrant (with perhaps just a whiff of aniseed?), lilac in bud, opening white. It is very tolerant of sun which is said to bring out the fragrance but deteriorates the foliage colour.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Medium. Begins with shiny yellow leaves with very red petioles. A seedling from H.'Invincible'. B.Zonneveld/H.Philips. By mid Summer this is hard to tell from Invincible, but in Spring the leaves emerge yellow with a narrow green edge, greatly enhanced by the shine on the leaves. The yellow colour, whilst striking at the time, fades quite quickly.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Medium. H.plantaginea x H.'Tokudama Aureonebulosa'. V.Sellers. From its plantaginea parent this variety inherits marvellous flowers. Large, fragrant and outward facing they open on tall straight scapes from lilac buds, becoming white with lilac veins. The foliage is no slouch with a broad yellow margin, fading cream around a solid green centre.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Medium. (Tardiana Group) A seedling from H.'June' or possibly H.'Devon Green'. J. van den Top. This is very much along the same lines as June is when young, the difference being that June Fever looks like the contrast knob has been dialled to maximum. The Spring leaves are a bright glowing yellow with a narrow green edge. the colouring gradually fades to chartreuse, retaining more of a narrow edge than that of June which gets broader on older plants.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'June'. Medium. 37 x 50cm. A medium sized extremely tidy hosta which is very popular. The heart shaped leaves are strikingly marked. The margins are a variable blue green whilst the broad central area is a pale lemony green fading to creamy white in sunlight. In sun the leaves show a contrasty blue and yellow colour, whilst in shade the colouration is much more subtle. Lavender flowers. 60x50cm. Sport from 'Halcyon'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Kiwi Full Monty'. Large. 50 x 50 cm. A Hosta with very distinctive colouration. The leaves are overall a good blue green with a central region that ages golden yellow from a blue green This region is edged in an irregular bright white line. A Hosta with an open growth form which needs siting in good light. Sport of H.'Striptease'
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs

  • Potsize - 1L

    Hosta 'Krossa Regal'. Giant. 90 x 90cm. A large impressive plant which will grow into a large vase shaped mound, very suitable for specimen planting. Glaucous grey-green leaves with undulating margins become large and deeply corrugated. Tall stems of lily-like flowers sway gracefully above the foliage. A slug resistant variety for dappled shade. H. 'Nigrescens' hybrid.  2001 winner of the Alex J. Summers Distinguished Merit Hosta Award.
    Discount of 25p per plant for quantities of 3 or over


    Hostas Compared

    Hostas in the Garden

    Botanical Style Photographs


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